classic cars warranty
C.O.G. Classics

Warranty / Repair Cost Insurance

Purchase your dream vehicle from us with a never-before-seen vintage car warranty! As one of a select few providers of classic vehicles, we can provide your vehicle of choice with a special and completely market-new warranty.

What’s remarkable about this offer is the insurance of all important components: from the engine and gearbox to the entire drive chain, brakes and steering up to the vehicle’s electronics. 

This insures you against unexpected repair costs. No contribution from your side required. Europe-wide.  Quick and easy processing! Increase your security when purchasing your vintage car and profit from this warranty.


A special offer for vintage and classic cars

We at C.O.G. Classics, in addition to providing the legally mandated 24 months of retail warranty, offer a used car warranty specially aimed at the classic and vintage car segment. This insurance helps protect all our customers from repair costs that commonly arise in certain categories of spare parts - and meanwhile protect ourselves from warranty claims.

What’s remarkable about this offer is the insurance of all important components: from the engine and gearbox to the entire drive chain, brakes and steering up to the vehicle’s electronics. 

This insures you against unexpected repair costs. No contribution from your side required. Europe-wide.  Quick and easy processing! Increase your security when purchasing your vintage car and profit from this warranty.

This market-new vintage car insurance is particularly aimed at owners of classic cars dating from the production year 1950 onward, with a max purchase price of 300,000 € and in the power range of 350 HP.

The vehicles in question must be in a mechanically flawless condition to qualify for the new warranty. An extensive technical examination and evaluation of the vehicle’s condition, performed - for example - by an authorized expert from the Technical Inspection Agency is a requirement. 

100% Kundenzufriedenheit

Which parts does the insurance cover?

The CT Warranty vintage car warranty (also known as repair cost insurance) promises security for all sides. It protects us dealers as well as our clients - while working with a level of care and devotion that vintage automobiles is always due. 

In this way, two-wheelers, three-wheelers and classic automobiles may be insured for up to €15,000, including all salary and material costs, provided those arise within twelve months of purchase of the vehicle and do not excel the replacement value. This alone constitutes about triple the value of most other warranty offers. 

Also included in the offer are repeated repair costs concerning the same spare part. The detailed specification of services covers all integral spare part components: from the engine and gearbox to the entire drive chain, brakes and steering up to the vehicle’s electronics.

Especially attractive is the fact that this warranty was brought to life specifically as a collaboration between the Technical Inspection Agency Rhineland and Germany’s biggest insurer of vintage cars, the OCC.

A warranty of this kind and in this quality has not yet been seen before on the market.